


Our curated class suitable for clients who are new to Pilates or for clients who want to feel good moving through gentle moves and spring tension.
Think push, pull, turn, bend, moving through a whole body workout to develop your practice and move through lots of different shapes. You’ll become stronger and more confident, it is the perfect class to work on balance, strength and mobility. Rest when you like or for regular community members, dial it up where you like.


Our open classes challenge you in your workout. Your instructor will start with a beginner version of an exercise and will offer challenges in your work (via spring tension or body position). A great workout that caters for beginners and those looking to advance their workout too.



Think all your favourite moves on the Reformer with weights of your choice in you hands. Add weights when you like, drop the weights when you like. (Cause we know that burn is real and want you to feel good and empowered to make your own choices). Watch your body get stronger, not bulkier. The perfect workout to increase your muscle mass (cause we know this diminishes as we get older).